Simulation: A Pop Travel Novel Page 25
“I’ve been experimenting with storing and transferring data through the nervous system.”
“That’s what your memory is for, isn’t it?” Cooper could never resist adding two cents for a laugh.
She gave him an eye roll for free.
Hasan took him literally, of course. “Not mental memory, but physically storing bits of data using electric conductivity. Unfortunately the capacity is limited.”
“Similar to Cooper’s brain.” Geri couldn’t resist either.
Cooper smiled.
It was just like old times. But she couldn’t let Cooper get under her skin again. They’d just replay the same old movie with the same sad ending. She hated sad endings.
After Hasan and Jared discussed their idea a little, Jared brightened.
“That could work. That must be how the droids communicate with the lock. The droid touches it, sending the lock data to his processor brain, and the brain sends the unlocking code back through the finger. Your QV has a health monitor on it, right?”
“Yeah,” Geri answered slowly.
“I love it!” Hasan clapped Jared on the back.
“I hate it. I don’t want to be fried.” Geri’s face twisted up.
Hasan pleaded with her, “But how will we get the data? We need a way to communicate with the lock. We don’t have a receptor like the droids.”
“We’re wasting daylight, boys. I think I’m going back to Cooper’s original idea and breaking a window out front.” Geri frowned.
Cooper spoke up, “I’ll do it. My brain’s been fried multiple times. I barely have two sparks to rub together as it is, right Geri, er, Gina?”
She swatted him. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Someone has to.”
“Don’t worry, my friends. The data should be minimal so the charge shouldn’t be any bigger than the static built up by rubbing your feet on a carpet. I think.” Hasan went off to the side to run some numbers on another imager.
Static shocks could be painful, but only for a second. She hoped Cooper would be all right. He was always willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, as if he didn’t care what happened to him.
“I’m almost ready to decode it.” Jared opened another sub frame and typed. “Okay. Cooper, when you touch the lock, I will send your QV a command that will communicate with it. Then the lock will send back an answer for me to read and decode. I hope.”
Geri narrowed her eyes at the mad scientists who had no qualms about testing their crazy schemes on an ignorant volunteer. She knew Cooper wanted to get on with the investigation, but he’d already been through so much.
“Are you sure this is safe? How exactly does it work?”
“He can explain later.” Cooper trusted his genius friends way too easily without asking about side effects or consequences.
“Oh, it’s no problem. I can explain while Jared works.” How Hasan loved to hear himself talk. Maybe it would distract Geri from worrying about Cooper’s potential electrocution.
Jared shrugged. “Whatever. You ready, Coop?”
“Uh. Sure.”
“Put your finger in the indentation on the lock.”
He did.
While they waited for Jared to do what he needed to do, Hasan peered over his shoulder and explained what was happening in a hushed tone, like a golf announcer.
“Jared is sending a message to the lock through the QV’s health sensor, using Cooper’s body to conduct the message with pulses through his finger which translate into a series of binary code, ones and zeroes, ons and offs, sent in just the right order. The health sensor is usually read-only, but it has the capability to transmit data as well, like for those who have high blood pressure. Their sensors have programs that send relaxing pulses to the brain to calm the blood flow when needed. Using that connection to transmit code data should be no problem.”
Geri watched Cooper. He shook off a chill.
“Hold steady and don’t lose that connection, man.” Jared stared at his imager. He must’ve gotten a signal because he began his finger disco. Moving in a rhythm, he typed on the flat keyboard and intermittently grabbed at the frames above, sliding things around.
Hasan continued his play-by-play, “Jared must have received a response from the lock. Now he’s working out the code. It looks like… No, he almost had it, but his frown tells us he must keep trying. Come on, Jared. You can do it.”
Jared paused to give Hasan a glare.
He pouted. “Sorry, dude.”
When Jared finished, he sent the unlock code.
Cooper’s body shook again and his eyes rolled back as the lock spread open like putty.
“Excellent work, Jared!” Hasan commended him with another clap on the back.
Geri shook Cooper’s chin and he blinked, but stared past her. She didn’t like the glazed look in his eyes. “Are you all right?”
She got no response, but he didn’t collapse either. He just stood there in a daze. She yelled at the idiots congratulating each other.
“Is he going to be okay?”
Jared glanced at the health sensor readings. “He should be fine. All the numbers are green.”
That didn’t make her feel much better, but if he was green, maybe he just needed a few minutes to rest. With the lock open, they needed to get done and get out of there.
“Thanks, guys. We’ll finish on our own. I’ll call you back if we need anything else.”
Hasan tried to protest, but Geri disconnected. She wanted to get a reaction from Cooper.
She shook his shoulders. “Coop? You okay?”
He finally nodded, but when he tried to take a step, he stumbled and grabbed for something to keep himself steady.
Geri caught his outstretched hand, but he lost his footing and they both fell with her landing on top of him. I remember this position. I miss it.
“I’ma be fine. I juss needa lie down for a mina…” He sounded drunk.
She snapped her fingers in his face. “Cooper! Can you see straight?”
He squinted, trying to focus on her. “You’re pretty.”
He wasn’t making a lot of sense, but he should be okay for a few minutes. She had to go check out the warehouse after the risk he took getting it open.
Propping him up against the wall, she took the camo wristbands from him. “Listen. I’m going in to see what’s in there. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
“Yes, mammy.” Cooper gave her a shaky okay hand gesture and shivered again.
She frowned at him. He might need to see a doctor. But that explanation would be a doozy.
Once she activated her camouflage, Geri cracked the door open and waited a few seconds, listening for an alarm. None sounded. The owners put a lot of faith into that lock. She hurried in to check things out.
Flicking on her QV’s infrared viewer, she was able to see in the dark. And what she saw freaked her out. She didn’t have to count to know there were about a thousand sleeping uniformed droids lined up in rows, filling the warehouse. They were going to need more defense.
After sneaking back outside, dragging a sample with her, Geri shut the door. She relocked it, thankful she didn’t need a code to seal it. Then she shook Cooper awake.
“Come on. We’ve got work to do!”
“I’ll tell you in the car. Let’s get out of here!” She hoped he could walk. It would take her forever to drag both of the big dummies to the car by herself.
Cooper blinked and opened his eyes. He had one hell of a headache.
“How long was I out?” The last thing he remembered was Geri supporting him as he limped back to the car at the warehouse after Hasan and Jared used him as a human copper wire.
“About a hundred miles.”
“What? Where are you taking me?” That woke him up a bit, and he rubbed his throbbing finger.
“Relax. Hasan has been keeping track of your vitals from your QV. He said you’re fine, but it would be best if we d
idn’t pop. You’ve been sleeping off the aftershock. Turns out the data and electricity that flowed through you was more like a small lightning bolt than a little static shock. I’m glad you woke up or I would’ve taken you to a hospital.” Geri grinned at him.
“Gee. Thanks.” Only a small lightning bolt? That was comforting.
“My pleasure. We should be at the plantation in another hour.”
“So what did you see inside the warehouse? Was my sacrifice worth it?”
“Definitely. The Colonel has about a thousand uniformed droids in that warehouse.”
“A thousand? Are you sure?” Cooper wondered if the shock to his system affected his hearing.
Geri watched the road. “Yes, I’m sure. I wonder what the Colonel needs an army of droids for. I told Hasan he should make more reinforcements. He has about a hundred on hand at his factory warehouse.”
“I bet the Colonel is preparing for another demonstration. And I have a feeling it’s got something to do with the live debate tomorrow. I’m calling Dawson.”
“It won’t do any good. You know he won’t stay away.”
“Probably not, but I’m calling anyway.”
Geri shrugged while Cooper spoke to his QV, “Call Dawson Cooper.”
His brother’s dashing face appeared. But he didn’t look happy.
“Hey, Coop. It’s about time you called me back! What the hell’s going on down there in Georgia? I saw Geri kill the Governor today! That woman is out of control. The President is about ready to send in the National Guard to stop her.”
“You know that isn’t her.”
“Well, I don’t know, but I was hoping you would say that. So what’s the story?”
“Listen, Dawson. The Colonel is planning something big for your live debate tomorrow.”
“Keeping tabs on my whereabouts? I just made those arrangements this afternoon.” Dawson was avoiding the truth. Cooper knew his brother hated to believe his work associates could be bad, even though he was in one of the shadiest businesses on the planet.
“You can’t go. The Colonel is setting you up. Just like he set up that demonstration at Centennial Park and arranged to have the Governor killed. He’s using a simulation of Geri to blame everything on and further his cause.”
“I hear you, Coop, and I want to believe you. I will even take extra precautions. But I can’t drop everything and hide every time someone calls with a ridiculous threat. The FBI checked out the Colonel and Wells. I will be thoroughly protected. And why do you think he’s setting me up? What’s he got against me? Do you all have proof of these outrageous accusations? I hate to question you, but the Colonel has a huge reputation for honesty and integrity. He’s had a spotless record for fifty years.”
“Dude. He has an army of droids. I’m telling you.”
“What army? Did you see it?”
“Well, no. But Geri…” Cooper clamped his mouth shut.
“Yeah. Don’t say another word. I want no connection to her until the truth comes out. And everyone knows the Colonel has some police droid squads. He will surely have some with him tomorrow.”
Cooper sat up a little straighter, realizing his brother’s QV was probably tapped. That’s how the FBI protected people. “Look, bro. Since I can’t convince you not to go, just be ready for anything and everything. Keep looking over your shoulder and don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh at your jokes.”
“Okaaay. Sure, Coop. You too.”
Cooper disconnected. That was useless. But he wasn’t about to admit it to Geri.
“They might have traced you.” Geri pursed her lips.
“I know. But they’re looking for you this time, in your original face, not me. Nate and his boss already knew you were with Hasan when Aimee showed up. Hopefully the dolts assigned to Dawson will be extra cautious tomorrow.”
“Mmm.” Geri’s forehead wrinkled. She still looked troubled.
“What is it? You know we’ll stand by you.”
“Well, I guess you forgot we have a guest in the back seat.”
Cooper whipped around and saw one of the uniformed police droids from the warehouse. He looked like he was taking a nap with a blanket over his head.
“You’re kidding me! Don’t you think the Colonel has control of him? And how can you be worried about the FBI when this thing could lead the Colonel directly to us? Maybe it can hear us and is transmitting to him.” Cooper must have been out cold when Geri pulled that one off. He would never have agreed to take one.
“Hasan and Jared walked me through disabling all that stuff. Duh! This will help them figure out how we can override the Colonel’s controls. You have to trust us, Cooper.”
Cooper stared at Geri. Through her dark skin and hair, he saw the same confident, daring woman inside. Maybe Cooper worried too much. Maybe Geri was right. He should trust his friends and stop relying solely on himself. He couldn’t do it all.
Geri blinked at him. “Okay? No argument? No more scolding me about what a big risk I took? Or telling me how you would have done it?”
Cooper grinned. She thought she had him all figured out. “Nope. Drive on. I’m going back to sleep.”
“Huh!” Geri tilted her head and smiled.
Drifting away again, he wondered what the Colonel had in store for Dawson. He could handle it, as long as Geri was by his side.
Beasley Hills Plantation
Albany, GA
“Wake up, Prince Charming.” Geri nudged the big lug out of his beauty sleep and stepped out of the car with a deep stretch and a yawn. She hadn’t driven such a long distance in years.
Cooper stirred. “I’m hungry.”
“Cooper and Geri. So good to see you again! How are you feeling, Cooper?” Hasan rushed over to help him out of the car.
He’s fine. He slept like a baby the whole way. Geri shook her head. “Hey, Jared. Want to help me with this thing?”
Jared sauntered over. “Sure. Wow, you really look different. How was the drive?”
Finally, a gentleman. “Yup. It was long, but quiet. Except for the snoring.” Geri nodded over the car at Cooper.
“I don’t snore.” Cooper stood straighter and stuck his chin out. He rubbed his finger for Hasan who was tending to his boo-boo. What a wimp.
Jared grinned and opened the rear door. He and Geri assessed how they were going to pick up the massive dead weight of the android.
“Let’s turn him on,” Jared suggested.
That would be the easiest way to do it, make him walk. “Are you sure he’s disconnected from the Colonel?”
“Yes.” Jared scratched his head. “Well. Let me double-check.”
While Jared bent into the back seat and rolled the droid over to work on his processor, Geri watched Hasan walk Cooper up the steps to the manor house. What a pair those two were. Cooper was a completely negative downer, and Hasan was a positively upbeat lunatic. Perfect for each other. She chuckled to herself. It felt good to be back with them both.
“Okay. Andy here is good to go. I just need to reconfigure this fob to his frequency.” Jared fiddled with the little remote he pulled out of his jeans pocket.
“Andy? Is that its name?”
“I don’t know. I just figured it would be easier to refer to him if he had a name. He’s our android Andy now.” Jared shrugged.
“Andy it is.”
“It will also help to assign him the name as a trigger word no one else will know.” Jared pushed a button and spoke into the remote. “Andy, open your eyes.”
The android’s eyes popped open.
Geri’s head jerked back. “Guess it works.”
“You wanna try?” Jared offered her the fob.
“No thanks. I want nothing to do with androids. No offense, Andy.”
It looked at her, hearing its name.
She got a chill. “If you don’t need me, I’ll meet you two inside. I’m starving.” And still feel like I’m being watched.
problem. Andy, come out of the car.”
Geri walked a little faster toward the house. She didn’t trust that android any farther than she could, well, throw it. She was afraid the Colonel would figure out her disguise and have her own simulation kill her. Maybe taking the android wasn’t such a good idea after all. Thanks for getting into my head, Cooper, and making me second-guess myself without saying a word. She would just have to avoid them both.
As she caught up to the guys, Aimee appeared in the doorway.
“Geri. So good to see you!” She rushed down to hug her.
Geri stiffened, then softened. What the heck. Silly girl.
“Good to see you too, Aimee.”
“Can I do anything to help?” Aimee offered as they walked up the steps and into the familiar house. It felt like coming home.
“Yes, dear girl. I need a bath and a sandwich.”
Beasley Hills Plantation
Albany, GA
Wednesday, June 24, 2082
hen Geri shuffled into the kitchen, Cooper came in at the same time from the other door. Both were bleary-eyed until they spied each other.
Geri turned away and checked her breath.
Cooper ran a hand through his hair.
Before either of them could speak, Hasan and Aimee bounced in together behind Cooper, giggling and whispering.
That popped Geri’s eyes wide-awake. “You know you aren’t supposed to… fraternize on the job.”
Aimee straightened. “Oh, dear. We aren’t. I mean, we didn’t.” She stepped away from the young stud.
Hasan cleared his throat. “What Aimee is trying to say is we are a little giddy from staying up all night finishing the last of the twenty-five super droids you ordered.”
“Sounds good.” Cooper sat down at the counter. “Only twenty-five? What’s so super about them?” He paused and looked around. “And where’s the coffee?”
“They don’t have any.” Geri smirked.
He squinted at her, then at Hasan. “No coffee? What’s wrong with you people?”
“Don’t worry. It should be here any moment. Security has an abundant supply,” Aimee said.
“Coffee is for the weak.” Hasan waved off Cooper and Geri’s inability to function without a stimulant. “And one of my super droids can easily handle twenty of his puny police droids. What makes these droids super is their individuality and their ability to interpret nebulous human communication.”